Privacy Notice

Selvatica Privacy Notice

The Selvatica Privacy Notice is issued in compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (hereinafter the “Law“), its regulations (the “Regulations“) and the Regulations (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016 (known as “RGPD“)

I. RESPONSIBLE: The company RESERVA BENGALA SA DE CV with address at Blvd. Kukulcan Km. 25 Hotel Zone, Cancun, Quintana Roo, CP 77500, Mexico, as well as its subsidiaries, affiliates or the same business group (hereinafter “SELVATICA”) is the company responsible for the use and protection of your personal data and, in this regard, informs OWNER on its policies for the processing of personal data and security measures in accordance with the provisions of this notice.

II. PURPOSE OF THE NOTICE: This privacy notice is intended to inform any person who provides your information to SELVATICA(hereinafter “THE HOLDER“), regarding the policies followed by SELVATICAto collect personal data, perform a correct treatment for the main and secondary purposes set forth herein, the measures of care it takes to maintain the confidentiality of its personal data and the mechanisms that it puts at your disposal to attend queries related to your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition (known as “ARCO rights“).

III. FORM OF DISPOSITION OF THE NOTICE: The display of this notice to THE HOLDER may be made through print, digital or telephone, but always prior to collecting your personal data. This privacy notice will be available in full at all times on the website

IV. PERSONAL DATA THAT WILL BE COLLECTED: The personal data we collect are the following: name, nationality, date of birth, address, city and country of residence, telephone number (s), email (email), photography, occupation and company for which you work, names in social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and any other current or future social network) and the bank information of your debit or credit cards, or other forms of payment such as PAYPAL, that have been used by EL TITULAR for the contracting of the products or services offered by SELVATICA.

In the event that THE HOLDER accesses the website or the profiles of SELVATICA on social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and any other current or future social network) the following data will also be collected. : IP address, type of Internet browser, browsing preferences on our Internet site, Internet pages you visit. In case of not agreeing with the above, THE HOLDER may disable cookies and web beacons in accordance with the provisions of paragraph IX. called “IX. USE OF COOKIES AND WEB BEACONS “.

The protection of the privacy of the personal data of minors is especially important for SELVATICA, which is why, as soon as we have knowledge of personal data of minors, their treatment will be carried out complying at all times with the guidelines and requirements established in the Law and its Regulations. SELVATICA will only allow the purchase of its products or services to minors when they are made by their parents or guardians, as the case may be, who must grant their consent to the processing of personal data.

V. PURPOSES OF THE USE OF YOUR PERSONAL DATA: The personal data collected will be used only for the purposes described below:

1. MAIN PURPOSES: The personal data we collect from you will be used for activities that are necessary for the services that THE HOLDER requests, such such as the following:

a) The management of reservations, purchases of products or services, the quotation of events and in general customer service.
b) The identification and access of THE HOLDER to the facilities of SELVATICA where the services are provided.
c)The provision of customer service, through chats, email, telephone or other means.
d) The collection, use, management, storage and development of a database of customers and people related to SELVATICA, as well as the activities aimed at maintaining and updating the database, which allows to offer a better service.
e) The collection and billing of the products and services offered by SELVATICA.
f) Evaluate the quality of the products and services offered by SELVATICA.
g) The fulfillment of the obligations that SELVATICA has contracted with THE HOLDER.

a) Conducting contests, promotional events, raffles, raffles and all kinds of promotional activities organized by SELVATICA.
b) The sending of promotional communications related to any product or service available on the website or the profiles of SELVATICA on social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and any other current or future social network).
c) The sending of promotional communications about special activities organized by SELVATICA.
d) To know the interests of users and offer improvements in products and services.
e) To improve the user experience on the website and in the profiles of social networks.
In the event that THE HOLDER declares that he does not agree with the use of his personal data for any or some of the secondary purposes, he must state it at the moment of granting his consent. The refusal to use the secondary purposes will not be grounds for denying the provision of the services and products offered by SELVATICA.

VI. CONVERSATION PERIOD: Due to the nature of the services offered by SELVATICA, the personal data will be kept until the date on which THE HOLDER requests the cancellation of the same or that, SELVATICA, as part of the update of its database , consider that said information must be refined by no longer necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes established in this notice.

VII. TRANSFER OF PERSONAL DATA TO THIRD PARTIES: The personal data collected will not be sold, sold, transferred or transferred in any way for profit to any third party.

The transfers made by SELVATICA of your personal data will only be with your prior consent or, without the need for consent, in the cases permitted by law, as is the case of data transfers to subsidiary companies, affiliates or the same group. of SELVATICA or when necessary to comply with its legal obligations, such as transfers to Mexican and foreign authorities in order to comply with the obligations derived from laws or international treaties. In case SELVATICA collected makes any additional transfer that requires your express consent, it will be previously.
VIII. PAGES OR LINKS OF THIRD PARTIES: The HOLDER is informed that any link to which accesses other than the page, is foreign to SELVATICA, so THE HOLDER assumes his absolute responsibility to review the policies and conditions of data processing and confidentiality of the link in question, mentioning but not limited to: payment portals, pages of third parties related to the services offered by SELVATICA, external advertising, as well as any other window or link that is different from the page
IX. USE OF COOKIES AND WEB BEACONS: The HOLDER is notified that the website uses cookies and web beacons. Cookies are automatically downloaded files stored on your computer when browsing an Internet site, which allow the Internet server to remember data about the user and their browsing preferences. Web beacons are images inserted in an Internet site or email that can be used to collect certain data and monitor the user’s behavior on the website or store your IP address. The use of Cookies and / or Web Beacons, is intended to provide a better experience during your browsing on different sites, as well as save information about your access to improve the security of your account, define content preferences and customize information based on the interests of its users or follow-up on their purchases online.
THE OWNER may disable the use of cookies and web beacons through the “help” button found in the toolbar of most browsers, it will tell you how to avoid accepting new cookies, how to make the browser notify you when receive a new cookie or how to disable all cookies.
X. This data processor of data: is HOLDER which SELVATICA has a department to handle inquiries related to the use and processing of personal data and those related to the exercise of their rights ARCO The person in charge of this department is Mr. Franco Martínez Sánchez, to whom you can direct your inquiries in writing to the following address: Blvd. Kukulcan Km. 25 Hotel Zone, Cancún, Quintana Roo. CP. 77500, Mexico, or by email to the following address: [email protected]
XI. ARCO RIGHTS EXERCISE: The HOLDER is informed that, in compliance with the provisions of the Law and its Regulations, it has the following rights:
a) Access: Has right to request SELVATICA a report on the personal data that was collected, the treatment given and the conditions of use. In the exercise of this right, you may request an electronic copy of said information.
b) Rectification: You have the right to request SELVATICA to correct your personal information if it is outdated, inaccurate or incomplete.
c) Cancellation: You have the right to request that your personal data be deleted from the registries or databases of SELVATICA when they are not being used for the purposes for which it was collected or when their treatment does not comply with the principles, duties and obligations set forth in the normative.
d) Opposition: You have the right to request SELVATICA not to use (or stop using) your personal data for specific purposes.
To exercise these rights, THE HOLDER must submit, personally or through a legal representative with specific powers, a written request or email addressed to the person in charge of processing personal data, described in the immediately preceding point and must contain the following information:
The name of THE HOLDER and address or other means to communicate the response to your request;
The documents that prove your identity or, where appropriate, your due legal representation;
The clear and precise description of the personal data with respect to which one seeks to exercise any of the aforementioned rights;
Any other element or document that facilitates the location of personal data; and
In the case of requests for rectification, you must indicate the modifications to be made and provide the documentation supporting your request.
Any request that does not meet these requirements may be rejected by SELVATICA until it is corrected.

Applications that meet the aforementioned requirements will be addressed within 20 business days following the date the application was received. In the event that the request is appropriate, SELVATICA will enforce its compliance within 15 business days following the date on which it communicated its response to THE HOLDER. The terms described herein may be doubled once when the circumstances of the case justify it.

In the event that, for any justified reason established in the Law or the Regulation, it is not possible to comply with the request, SELVATICA must notify THE HOLDER of its total or partial refusal informing the reason for its decision, accompanying the relevant evidence .
XII. REVOCATION OF THE CONSENT FOR THE USE OF YOUR PERSONAL DATA: The HOLDER is informed that he may revoke, totally or partially, his consent for the use of his personal data in case he considers that they are used for purposes other than those that were collected. To do this, you must submit an application according to the requirements, the procedure and the terms established in number called “ARCO RIGHTS EXERCISE”.
The cancellation of personal data will result in a blocking period after which the data will be deleted. SELVATICA may keep personal data exclusively for the purposes of the responsibilities arising from the treatment. The blocking period will be equivalent to the limitation period of the actions derived from the legal relationship that founds the treatment in the terms of the applicable Law in the matter. Once the data has been canceled, notice will be given to THE HOLDER.
XIII. COMPLIANCE WITH PROVISIONS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION RGPD: In the event that THE HOLDER is a national or resident of the European Union, he / she is informed that SELVATICA, in compliance with the provisions established by the RGPD, has taken various measures for the protection of your personal data, mentioning among them the following:
a. The recognition of additional rights: In accordance with the provisions of the RGPD, SELVATICA recognizes the following rights of THE HOLDER:
i. Right to limitation of treatment: It is the right of THE HOLDER to obtain SELVATICA the limitation of the treatment of their data in the following cases:
When the accuracy of the personal data is challenged, during a period that allows to verify its accuracy;
When its treatment is illicit and THE HOLDER opposes the deletion and instead requests the limitation of its use;
When SELVATICA no longer needs personal data for the purposes of treatment, but THE HOLDER needs them to formulate or exercise their rights.
When THE HOLDER has opposed his treatment, while it is verified if the legitimate reasons of SELVATICA prevail over those of THE HOLDER.
In such cases, SELVATICA may only continue the processing of personal data with the consent of THE HOLDER or in any of the exceptions established by the Law, the Regulations or the RGPD.
ii. Right to data portability: It is the right to receive the personal data that concern you, that has been provided to SELVATICA processed., in a structured format, of common use and mechanical reading, and to transmit them to another data controller when the treatment is affected by automated means.
iii. Right to automated individual decisions: It is the right not to be the subject of a decision based solely on automated processing, including the elaboration of profiles, that produces legal effects on him or that significantly affects him in a similar way, unless it is necessary for the provision of the services that SELVATICA offers you.

The rights referred to herein may be exercised, when applicable, in accordance with the requirements, procedure and deadlines established in paragraph XI. called “ARCO RIGHTS EXERCISE”.
b) Registration of data processing activities: Pursuant to the provisions of the RGPD, SELVATICA is obliged to enter into a contract with the person in charge of processing, indicated in number called “DATA PROCESSING MANAGER”, who will have as an obligation keep a record of the treatment activities carried out under their responsibility as established by the RGPD.

XIV. CONTROL AUTHORITY: The HOLDER is informed that, for the attention of any complaint or claim related to this notice, which has not been duly attended by SELVATICA within the deadlines and forms set forth in this notice, you may go before the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (by its initials “INAI“). The consultations to this authority can be directed to the telephone 800 835 4324, to the e-mail [email protected] or in writing to the address located in the address: Av. Insurgentes Sur, # 3211, Ground Floor, Insurgentes Cuicuilco, Delegación Coyoacán, CP 04530, Mexico City.
XV. SECURITY MEASURES: The HOLDER is informed that SELVATICA will take reasonable organizational and technical security measures to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration or illegal disclosure of your information and personal data, which we require to be fulfilled by the service providers that contrata, including services provided by subsidiaries, affiliates or the same business group of SELVATICA.
Among the security measures that SELVATICA may take for the care of your personal information are the following:
>a) Restrict the access of its personnel to the physical or digital databases where the personal data collected are recorded.
b) The use of keys, passwords and the encryption of documents for physical and digital files where personal data are stored.
c) The use of antivirus and firewalls to prevent unauthorized access by hackers.
d) Any other security measure that you consider pertinent.
If there is a breach of security measures, SELVATICA undertakes to take the necessary measures to assess the impact of the violation and take the necessary measures to compensate for the damage caused to its security system. In your case, SELVATICA must notify THE HOLDER when it considers that the infringement could cause you harm.
XVI. MODIFICATIONS TO THE PRIVACY NOTICE: In case that for any reason SELVATICA comes to make any change or modification to this Privacy Notice, these changes will be announced on the website where updates, changes may be consulted or modifications suffered by this notice to comply with legal requirements, to offer new products or services, to improve new privacy policies or for any other cause that may be necessary.
XVII. CONSENT: You express your consent to the processing of your personal data according to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Notice, except for the reservations expressly stated.
Date of last update of this Privacy Notice: June / 2021.